Full name: Klochkova Natalia Andreevna

Date of birth: July 24, 1970

INN: 2577211344

Address: Ukraine, Donetsk region, Mariupol, Chelnov pereul. 4A.

Phone: +380673479627


– Head of the Main Department of Urban Planning and Architecture of the Mariupol City Council;

– Head of the Department of Urban Planning and Architecture, Chief Architect of the Mariupol City Administration under the occupation authorities;

– An accomplice of the Russian occupation troops, a collaborator.


Traitor Klochkova Natalia Andreevna was born on July 24, 1970 in the city of Mariupol, Donetsk region. She worked in one of the contracting organizations of the city of Mariupol and was the head of the sites for the restoration and modernization of buildings of cultural value in Mariupol.

Then Natalia Andreevna became the head of the Main Department of Urban Planning and Architecture of Mariupol City Council.

After the full-scale invasion of the Russian occupation troops in 2022 on the territory of the Donetsk region, Natalia Andreevna distinguished herself by her anti-Ukrainian stance and openly supported the arrival of the “liberators.”

Anti-Ukrainian and collaborationist activities:

In February 2022, the adherent of the “Russian world” continued to express her anti-Ukrainian sentiments.

After the occupants came to the territory of Donetschina, the traitor began to praise the “Russian world” and advocated the annexation of Donetsk region to Russia. Actively disseminated narratives of Russian propaganda. Was directly involved in the pseudo-referendum processes. She was one and coordinator at the meetings of representatives of the city planning sphere of the city on “Russian standards”, closely communicated with representatives of the occupation authorities. She herself received a passport and Russian citizenship.

She supported the policy of the occupation authorities in Donetsk region and immediately adapted to the new “rules and laws” of the pseudo officials.

Already in August 2022, the collaborator occupied the position of head of the department of urban planning and architecture, chief architect of the city of Mariupol under the pseudo-power of the “Donetsk people’s republic.

For her collaborationist activities and pro-Russian position, the traitor Klochkova Natalia Andreevna will be held accountable before the people and before the law.