
Full name: Natalia Pavlovna Panova

Date of birth: 08.11.1987

Address: Ukraine, Zaporozhye region. Priazovsky district, the village. Azov

Contacts: +380984109738, +79900566865


– an employee of a pre-school in Priazovskoye settlement;

– an accomplice of the “Russian world.”

– An accomplice of the pseudo-referendum in Melitopol, a collaborator.



Traitor and collaborator Panova Natalia Pavlovna was born on November 08, 1987 in the village Priazovskoe, Zaborozhskaya region.

Natalia Pavlova is an employee of a pre-school institution in Priazovskoye settlement, who after the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Zaporizhzhya region by Russian invaders began to establish communication with the local occupation authorities.

Anti-Ukrainian activities:

The woman voluntarily defected to the side of the enemy and began organizing various cultural events in the settlement, including agitation work in support of “Russian peace”. Also on the eve of the pseudo-referendum in Melitopol, the traitor strengthened her desire to serve the occupants.

Panova actively demonstrated on propaganda channels real people’s love and support for rf. In local publicks, Natasha urged residents to repaint Ukrainian symbols in the tricolor.

After a job well done under the occupation authorities, Panova headed the fake polling station as chair of the occupation election commission.

Panova Natalia Pavlovna was on the list of despicable traitors and collaborators. The woman will be justly punished for her complicity with the Russian enemy. After all, for betraying her homeland, she will certainly have to answer both to the law and to the people.