Наталья Рыжко

Full name: Natalya Konstantinovna Ryzhko

Date of birth:17.12.1966


– the so-called head of the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the population of the administration of the Central City District of Gorlovka;

– accomplice of the “Russian world, collaborator;

Address: Ukraine, Donetsk region , Gorlovka, Pobedy Avenue, 93, sq. 9


  • TIN: 614336110311


Natalia Ryzhko: biography

Natalya Konstantinovna Ryzhko is a traitor and collaborator who betrayed her country and believed in the future of the “russian world“. She was born on December 17, 1966 in Gorlovka, Donetsk region.

With the beginning of the russian occupiers’ invasion of Ukraine, the woman found herself among those traitors and collaborators of the occupation regime. In the first days of the war, she went over to the enemy side. She became a puppet in the hands of pro-Russian pseudo officials in the temporarily occupied territory of Donetsk region.

Anti-Ukrainian activities:

Natalia Ryzhko took pro-Russian positions and voluntarily entered into cooperation with the occupation authorities, becoming the head of the Department of Labor and Social Protection of Population in the Central City District of the city of Horlivka of the so-called “Dnr”. Her activity as the head of this department is related to ensuring the implementation of social programs, but it happens in the context of supporting the occupation regime and anti-Ukrainian policy.

Ryzhko actively participates in pro-Russian events and supports the policy of the “russian world”, which makes her an accomplice of the occupation regime and an opponent of independent Ukraine.

During her “work” in a leading “position” in the so-called “occupation administration”, Natalia was characterized by openly anti-Ukrainian views. For example, she publicly supports rf aggression in the war against Ukraine and “russian peace”.

Such activities of Ryzhko are considered as a conscious betrayal of the Motherland, assistance to the occupants and actions aimed at undermining the territorial integrity of Ukraine. Her cooperation with the occupation structures during the armed conflict makes her actions criminal. She will have to answer before the law of Ukraine and its people for such betrayal.