
Full name: Shaitan Natalia Vladimirovna

Date of birth: 10.04.1972

Address: Ukraine, Donetsk region, Mariupol city


– a former employee of the Pension Fund;

– an employee of the occupation administration;

– social coordinator. questions from representatives of the “Putin authorities”


The accomplice of the Rashists, who after 24.02.2022 decided to build a career under the occupants – Shaitan Natalia Vladimirovna was born on April 10, 1972 in the city of Mariupol.

In the city, she worked under the city administration for an extended period of time. She is a former employee of the Department of the Pension Fund of Ukraine in Donetsk region. But when Russian invaders invaded the territory of Donetchenia Natalia also expressed her desire to be part of the “Russian world“. Thus, she voluntarily went over to the side of the enemy, became an accomplice of“Putin’s regime” in Ukraine.

Anti-Ukrainian and collaborationist activities:

In Mariupol, the woman was appointed by the occupants to one of the leading positions under the “newly created authority”. Voluntarily and on her own initiative, the collaborator Shaitan agreed to cooperate and took the highest position, namely the head of the “client service of the Pension Fund of the October district of Mariupol”.

From the first days as the pension fund “worked” in occupied Mariupol, she was already at the forefront and recruiting staff. Also handled organizational and management functions under “administration”, including. formed the apparatus of the occupying authority.

The collaborator was the initiator of the formation of the system of social, including pension provision of the local population in Russian currency and wanted to ensure the circulation of the Russian ruble. In addition, Safonova supervised the functioning of Rashist social packages under the leadership of the gauleiters of the Donetsk region and facilitated the acquisition of rf citizenship and passports by local residents.

Also the gozizmennitsa is a participant of many events, briefings and meetings of pseudo officials, which are held under the slogan of “Russian peace“.

For complicity with the enemy and crimes against the Ukrainian people, the traitor faces a harsh and inevitable punishment, which is getting closer every day. The belligerent is already waiting in the dock.