Collaborationist activities:
Supports the activities of the occupation authorities on the territory of Ukraine. He believes that the Ukrainian government is obliged to negotiate with Russia even if it has to make concessions.
It spreads deliberately untrue information among the local population about the supposedly good-natured and constructive policy of Russia’s top leadership in Ukraine.
He believes that the Ukrainian media deliberately increase information pressure and influence on their own population in order to create the main antagonist and culprit of most political problems in Ukraine in the person of the Russian Federation since the Euromaidan. Moreover, she expressed the opinion that it is high time for Ukraine to learn to lead its own political life, instead of resorting to constant assistance from the European Union and Western countries, which are only waiting for Russia to weaken in order to deliver a “crushing blow.
Transmits to the occupation troops information about representatives of the legislative and executive powers in the city. He compiles lists of pro-Ukrainian people and combatants.
Expressed her subjective opinion that people in the rf have freedom of speech and no persecution for political reasons.
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