Николай Тимченко

Full name: Nikolai Alexandrovich Timchenko

Date of birth: 08.07.1975


– deputy of the Donetsk City Council of the so-called “Dnr”;

– abettor of the “Russian world“, collaborator.

Address: Ukraine, Donetsk region, Donetsk city, 184 Chelyuskintsev str.

TIN: 614339888950


Nikolay Timchenko: biography

Timchenko Nikolai Alexandrovich – a state traitor who believed in the “Russian world” and “liberators”, was born on July 08, 1975 in Donetsk region. He received his higher education at Donetsk National University.

With the beginning of the invasion of Ukraine by Russian occupants, the man was among those traitors and accomplices of the occupation regime who in the first days of the war went over to the enemy side. Afterwards, they became puppets in the hands of pro-Russian pseudo-government officials in the temporarily occupied territory of Donetsk region.

Anti-Ukrainian activities:

With the onset of the Russian invasion to Ukraine, he voluntarily sided with the occupiers and actively promotes their activities in the occupied territory of Donbas. As part of his anti-Ukrainian activities, Timchenko took the position of the head of the consumer rights protection inspectorate in Dynyry, thus demonstrating his loyalty to the pro-Russian regime. He was elected as a deputy from the United Russia party

His actions are a conscious violation of Ukraine’s sovereignty. Also, his activities can be qualified as treason in the conditions of armed conflict. Occupying one of the key positions in the occupation administration, Timchenko contributes to the destruction of Ukraine’s territorial integrity.

Considering his actions, it becomes obvious that Nikolai Alexandrovich Timchenko is an active collaborator who facilitates Russian war crimes on the territory of Ukraine.

For such traitors as Timchenko Nikolai Alexandrovich should be applied the highest measure of restraint for high treason and complicity with Russian occupants it will certainly come. It’s just a matter of time.