Labor Activities:
1972 – Collective farmer of the collective farm named after V.V. Lenin. Telman;
1981-1983– Hydraulic Engineer, Chief Hydraulic Engineer, Chief Agronomist of the collective farm “Sickle and Hammer” of Telmanovsky district in Donetsk region;
1983-1985– chief agronomist of the Soviet farm “Gornyak ” in the Donetsk region;
1986-1990– Director of the Soviet farm “Gornyak” in the Donetsk region;
2004 – Head of the Main State Plant Quarantine Inspectorate of Ukraine;
2006-2010– Head of the Main State Plant Quarantine Inspectorate of Ukraine;
2017 – member of the Kherson Regional Society of Ukrainian Registered Cossacks.
The Political Way:
1985-1986– Instructor of the Starobeshevo District Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine in the Donetsk Region;
1990-1991– Chairman of the Starobeshevo District Committee of People’s Control;
1991-1992– Chairman of the Council, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Starobeshevo District Council of People’s Deputies;
1992-1995– Representative of the President of Ukraine in the Starobeshevo District;
1995 – Chairman of the Starobeshevo District Council;
1995-1998– Chairman of the Starobeshevo District State Administration, Chairman of the Starobeshevo District Council;
1998-2000– Chairman of the Starobeshevo District Council;
2000-2003– Chairman of the Telmanovsk District State Administration in the Donetsk Region;
2003-2004– Head of the Department of relations with VRU and organizational work of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine;
2004-2005– First Deputy Chairman of Kherson Regional State Administration;
April – June 2010 – First Deputy Chairman of Kherson Regional State Administration;
2006-2010– deputy of the Kherson Regional Council;
2010 – the head of the “Party of Regions”;
18.06.2010 – 02.03.2014 – Chairman of the Kherson Regional State Administration;
2012 – member of the “party of regions;
2022 – deputy of the Kherson Regional State Administration.
Collaborationist activities:
With the outbreak of the war in eastern Ukraine, he condescended to the political realities of Russian aggression. It is important to note that Nikolai Mikhailovich is a supporter of the so-called of the “novorossiya” project. Believes that there is nothing wrong with creating a new state based on the separation of a certain part of the regions from Ukraine.
Moreover, it is worth mentioning that Nikolai Mikhailovich was a member of the pro-Russian political “party of the regions. Therefore, quite often he was radically against the current government and expressed separatist sentiments.
With the beginning of a large-scale war in Ukraine on 24.02.2022 was engaged in the creation of the ground for the formation of conditions for the so-called. occupation authorities in the city of Kherson and the Kherson region.
On March 24, he was caught voluntarily handing over fuel and lubricants to the special services of the Russian Federation. He also transfers fuel and lubricants to Russian servicemen at checkpoints.
Moreover, it establishes contacts with local entrepreneurs of Kherson and the Kherson region for further cooperation with the occupation authorities. Assures entrepreneurs to engage in the purchase and sale of goods produced in Russia.
Supervises the activities of rf servicemen located on the territory of Agricultural Enterprise Kherson Invest Agro LLC and FH Antonovskoye.
Provides the occupiers with construction materials, ammunition storage sites, and information on the possible location of Ukrainian armed forces and guerrilla movements.
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