Full name: Lisovin Nikolai Yakovlevich

Date of birth: April 17, 1955

Address: Ukraine, Kharkiv region, Bogodukhov district, in the village of Minkovka, Zelena street, 5;

Passport: MK 780365

Phone: +380664811250, +380970342342;


– entrepreneur, founder of the “Volya” farm;

deputy of the Valka city council;

– Collaborator, collaborator of the Russian occupants;




Married, no children.

Deputy, businessman and traitor in one person – Lisovin Nikolai Yakovlevich, was born on April 17, 1955 in the village of Minkovka, Kharkov region. Nikolai would spend almost his entire life in Minkovka, open a business here and work for the benefit of the occupiers.

Few people knew about Lisovin outside the village – he did not receive higher education, he usually traveled on business within the region. However, Nikolai had entrepreneurial ability, and he and his wife decided to establish the farm “Volya. The new business began to bring Lisovin a large income, which is why Nikolai decided to try his luck in politics. At the same time, since his farm provided new jobs for local residents, Lisovin’s victory in the Valka City Council elections was virtually assured. By the way, Lisovin was elected from the party “Kernes Bloc – Successful Kharkov!

It is an interesting fact that Volya Farm was the subject of several administrative cases in court, and Nikolai himself often missed sessions of the City Council, probably solving the problems of his business. But that’s not the worst thing, considering the fact that Lisovin is an accomplice of the enemy. Even before the invasion, Kremlin handlers contacted him and offered him “cooperation” in exchange for a large cash reward and guarantees of immunity for his business and family. After the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, Nikolai began actively agitating local men not to join the AFU and not to resist the occupant, and when he saw that the plan of the invaders had failed, he decided to keep quiet so as not to become an object of attention for the Ukrainian investigators.

All secrets will someday come out. This expression applies directly to Nikolai Lisovin, and in the future he will be justly punished for working for the benefit of the Russian occupiers.