Full name: Mikhailov Nikolai Petrovich

Date of birth: September 23, 1959

Place of birth: Ukraine, Donetsk region, Starobeshevo

Address: Ukraine, Donetsk region, Starobeshevo, Prospect Donetsk 18, kv. 6.

INN: 2181513010

Passport: VA752889

Phone: +380713023633




[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]


– An employee of the administrative structures of the DNR.

Collaborationist activities:

Collaborator Mikhailov Nikolai Petrovich was born September 23, 1959 in the urban village of Starobeshevo.

Nikolai is the former chairman of the Starobeshevo district council of the Donetsk region. He has come a long and thorny way to reach such heights in terms of his career. But all his achievements were washed away by the meltwater because of one single act. Mikhailov, having listened to the occupation forces, cooperated with them. So Nikolai Petrovich spoiled all positive opinions in his direction.

Working for the invaders, Nikolai began to collect scornful looks in his address, both from peaceful residents of the urban village of Starobeshevo and from pro-Ukrainian activists who supported Ukrainian independence. Traitors like Mikhailov are not worth going after. In time, he will answer for all his actions, as well as for the people he betrayed.