
Full name: Chmil Oksana Yurievna

Date of birth: 02.09.1974

Address: Ukraine, Zaporizhzhya region, Veselovo district, Veseloye village, Zavodskaya str. 30, sq. 4.

TIN: 2727317069

Passport: СЮ 290145

Driver’s license: JTA 292946

Contacts: +380974914664, +380613622105

Email: [email protected]


– employee of the Department of Education, Youth and Sports of Veselivka Rayon State Administration of Zaporizhzhya Oblast

– deputy of the Veselovsky settlement council from the party “opzj”;

– a participant in the pseudo-referendum;

– participant in the fake September election, participant in the “preliminary vote”



Another collaborator from the Zaporizhzhya region, as well as a participant
of the pseudo-referendum
and pseudo-elections in
temporarily occupied part of Zaporizhzhya region – Oksana Yurievna Chmil. He is a political and public figure in Veselovsky district of Zaporizhzhya region. Graduated from the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Institute of Public Administration of the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine Ukraine. Worked under the Department of Education, Youth and Sports of Veselovsky District State Administration of Zaporizhzhya region.

She was a deputy of the Veselovsky village council of Melitopol district of the eighth convocation from the political party “opposition platform – for life“. With the onset of the full-scale invasion , Chmiel betrayed her oath of office and supported and cooperated with the occupation authorities.

Participation in pseudo-elections in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine:

And if before the war Oksana Yurievna represented the interests of Ukraine, then with the beginning of occupation actions of Russia, the woman defected to the side of the enemy and began to “live a new life” only as a state treasonist and accomplice of “Putin’s regime“. In 2022 she was the organizer of a pseudo-referendum in the temporarily occupied territories of Melitopol district.

Also in fulfillment of the tasks of the representatives of the occupation authorities of rf, the attacker works at the apparatus of the occupation administration and in every possible way contributes to the introduction of standards and legislation of the aggressor state in the spheres of life, primarily to attract the local population to “passportization” and voting in the pseudo-elections in September 2023.

The former deputy of the “opposition” on her own initiative and with the support of the occupation administration expressed her desire to become an organizer of fake elections. She was involved in the organizational direction of the formation of the so-called “precinct election commissions” on the territory of Zaporizhzhya region. Thus, the treasonous woman willingly agreed to ensure the process of “voting day” and acted as an accomplice of the illegal event as the chairman of the “election commission #18¹” of Veseloye settlement, Zaporizhzhya region.

Oksana Yurievna Chmil is a state traitor and a collaborator. Sooner or later she will answer for betraying Ukraine. She won’t get away with treason. Looking forward to the AFU coming after Oksana in the occupied territories and then everyone will get the participants of the pseudo-elections what they deserve.