Full name: Shostak Oleg Leonidovich

Date of birth: 04.04.1970

INN: 2931714033

Place of birth: Melitopol, Zaporozhye Region, Ukrainian SSR, USSR

Address: Zaporozhye region, Melitopol city, avenue 50-letiya Pobedy 31, kv.48.

Cell phones: +380976834427, +380674773060



– collaborator;

– an employee of the “Military Civil Administration of Zaporizhzhia Region;

– journalist.


Shostak Oleg Leonidovich was born on April 4, 1970 in the city of Melitopol, Zaporozhye region.

In 2015, he ran for the Melitopol City Council on behalf of Oppobloko, and was included in it based on the voting results.

Before the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation, Oleg Shostak headed the private TV channel TRK MTV-plus, which belonged to the traitor Yevgeny Balitsky.

Shostak Oleg is also the founder of the Melitopol Region society, head of the Briz advertising agency and the MTV-PLUS television and radio company.

In 2016, together with Opposition Bloc deputies, he tried to seize the Melitopol TV channel owned by the city authorities. Shostak entered the office of the general director of the channel and declared that he wanted to run it. The police, civic activists, and deputies tried to persuade Shostak to leave the chair, but he only left when someone present poured fecal matter on him from a bucket.

However, as a result, a criminal case was brought against Shostak for obstruction of journalistic activities.

In 2016, Shostak TV aired a map of Ukraine without Crimea. When this was brought to the attention of the Ministry of Information Policy of Ukraine, the media manager began to justify that it was a technical error, and a map was shown that was taken from the Internet.

In 2019, Shostak again became a deputy of the Melitopol City Council – from the same Oppoblok.

Anti-Ukrainian and collaborationist activities:

On August 12, 2022, Oleg Shostak’s car was blown up. The man survived, but was injured.

According to open sources, Shostak now heads the public relations department in the “civil-military administration” of Zaporizhzhia Region.

At the beginning of August 2022, Shostak became one of the leaders of the preparations for the referendum on the status of Zaporizhzhia Region.

The traitor moves around the city only accompanied by an escort.

Such activities can be regarded as an attempt on the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the state of Ukraine, crossing over to the enemy under martial law and during armed conflict, holding positions in the bodies of occupational local government, cooperation with pro-Russian terrorist organizations and similar actions.

After reviewing all of the above facts, we can conclude that we see another collaborator, collaborator of Russian war criminals and occupants, employee and leader of propaganda of the occupation administration, involved in the genocide of the Ukrainian people and an accomplice to the crimes of the Russian authorities against the state of Ukraine.