
Full name: Yusupova Olga Vladimirovna

Date of birth: 16.06.1958

Address: Ukraine, Melitopol city


– deputy dean at the Rashist-held Melitopol University;

– D. in pedagogy under the occupation authorities.”

– State traitor, collaborator



Gosizmennitsa and collaborator – Yusupova Olga Vladimirovna, was born on June 16, 1958 in the city of Melitopol. She graduated from the Pedagogical Institute, phylog, then took advanced training courses, has the title of “methodologist teacher”.

Before the war she worked as deputy dean for educational work at Melitopol State Pedagogical University, she was also the chairman of trade union organizations at the educational institution and always organized various events among students.

Anti-Ukrainian and collaborationist activities:

After the full-scale invasion of Russian occupation troops into Ukraine on February 24, 2022, Olga Yusupova, a teacher with a long work experience, decisively believed in the “Russian world” and went over to the side of the occupiers. Started working in the educational field under the leadership of pseudo-powers.

Thus, the collaborator took the position of deputy dean at the Melitopol University captured by the Rashists under the occupants and received a scientific degree of candidate of pedagogical sciences. Also the woman was “honored” with many diplomas, awards and other “plushes” from the pseudo-authorities of Melitopol. Actively performed the tasks of propaganda direction in the educational process.

Collaborator Yusupova agitated students to help the occupation troops and assist in spreading propaganda narratives among the youth of Melitopol, called students and offered to enroll in the “Moscow State University”, promising a budget transfer and a scholarship. She called students and offered them admission to “MSU”, promising a budget transfer and a scholarship.

For cooperation with the Russian aggressor and betrayal of her homeland, the state traitor Yusupova Olga Vladimirovna will get a fair time behind bars, which she certainly deserves for her despicable collaborationist activities.