Full name: Reimer Alexander Gergardovich

Callsign: “Altai”

Date of birth: June 15, 1979 (presumably)

INN: 636705217320

Place of residence: Crimea


– the head and founder of Flagman Road Construction Company LLC;

– Chairman of the Public Council under the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Crimea;

– an occupant in the Kamensko-Dneprovsky district of Zaporizhzhia region, a looter, a raider.


Marital status: married with two children


– Kateryna Peyeva lives in Kamianka-Dniprovska in Zaporizhzhia region, phone: 380663726615

– Dasha Rukina lives in the town of Kamianka-Dneprovskaya in Zaporozhye region, phone: 380661949364







Meet Reimer Alexander Gergardovich – overseer of the occupant of the Kamensko-Dneprovsky district of Zaporizhzhya region, presumably born on June 15, 1979. Married, with two children. Callsign Altai.

He came to “liberate” the Zaporozhye region from temporarily occupied Crimea under the leadership of another overseer and war criminal, Oleg Molokov, known by his call sign “Volga.

Alexander Reimer was the founder and head of Flagman Road Construction Company LLC, registered in Crimea.

Before the full-scale aggression of the Russian Federation on the territory of Ukraine, he served as chairman of the Public Council under the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Crimea. Closely liaises with representatives of the Crimean regional branch of the All-Russian political party “United Russia”. He was involved in many corrupt schemes related to the repair of road facilities in the occupied Crimea.

Alexander Reimer wants very much to take the chair of the administration of occupied Simferopol, so he went to Ukraine to “defer” to the so-called leadership of Crimea.

Altai does not forget about personal enrichment. In the town of Kamianka-Dneprovskaya, Zaporizhzhia region, he “wrests” cars, apartments, greenhouses, agricultural machinery and stores from local entrepreneurs. He is actively involved in stealing crops in Zaporizhzhia Region and exporting them to the annexed Crimea.

Sasha is living the high life and has completely forgotten about his family and children. He successfully takes advantage of the local minors, helping them move up the social ladder by giving them cars and apartments that have been squeezed away. An amateur user of narcotic substances.