Full name: Rodion Valeryevich Miroshnik

Date of birth: 31.01.1974

Place of birth: Ukraine, Lugansk region, the city of Lugansk.

Address: Moscow, Bolshaya Ochakovskaya str. 44/1, sq. 196.

Ukraine, Lugansk region, Lugansk, Sovetskaya str. 73A, sq. 19

INN: 2181513010

Passport of Ukraine: EN 871614

Passport of Russia: 03 17 920270

Phone: +79099434039 +380505205110

+380663268492 +79264555668

+380669425490 +380635188933

Email: [email protected]

Personal vehicle: VOLKSWAGEN TOUAREG BB0900SA

Education: higher education , Lugansk State Pedagogical Institute. T.G. Shevchenko


– deputy head of the LNR.

Marital status: married, spouse – Olga Mokhova.


Collaborationist activities:

Collaborator Miroshnik Rodion Valerievich was born January 31, 1974 in the city of Lugansk.

Rodion Valerievich, an honored journalist of Ukraine, until 2004 headed the press service of the Luhansk regional administration, and later was press secretary of Viktor Yanukovych. At the moment he is a deputy of the Lugansk Regional Council from the Party of Regions.

Rodion’s nickname is Political Technologist. He is accused of an attempt on the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine.

Rodion Miroshnyk launders part of the state budget funds received for the development of the Luhansk Regional Television and Radio Company. Cooperates with the occupiers and spreads a pro-Russian stance.

People like Rodion should be kept on a short chain. For if they gain power, they begin to betray everyone around them for their own benefit. A little more, and Miroshnik will be drying his breadcrumbs and learning a completely different lingo from his own.