Traitor of the Motherland Elena Savina was born on February 4, 1972 in the city of New Kakhovka, Kherson region. Now he lives in the village of Kamyshany in the Korabelny district of Kherson on Shevchenko Street, 17.
In 2011, she was prosecuted for causing bodily injury to a school employee.
Characterizes herself as free and independent, which is difficult to “win,” with a beautiful heart that will never allow itself any lowliness. He compares himself to a German Shepherd.
At one time Elena Savina tried to build a political career at the local level. In 2015, she ran for the Kherson City Council on behalf of the political party “Socialists”, but was not elected.
In 2019, she stood as a candidate for the 182nd MP from the political party “Oleg Lyashko’s Radical Party”, but also failed miserably. Judging by her social media profiles, Elena was an active party member and an ardent fan of Oleg Lyashko.
From 2019 to 2021, she served as deputy principal of Kherson General Education School I-III, #55, where she was successfully terminated for incompetency. At the same school she headed the trade union organization.
In 2022, after the occupation of Kherson region by Russia, Elena Savina quickly “changed her shoes” and began to act in the interests of the occupation administration of Kherson region. Savina volunteered to cooperate with the Russian-fascist occupiers, and for this she received the position of the so-called “deputy head of the education department” of the occupation administration, which is headed by another traitor to the motherland, her friend Kuzmich Tatiana Alexandrovna.
Now Elena Savina is actively accusing school principals of collaborating with the invaders under the aegis of “Russia is here forever.
It should be noted that because of the active resistance movement in the city of Kherson, Elena Savina is afraid to leave home on her own and is very worried about her life, because she herself has begun to doubt that Russia is in Kherson forever.
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