Full name: Fisai Sergey Alexandrovich

Date of birth: May 11, 1976

Place of birth: Kherson region, Golaya Pristan

Address: Kherson region, Golaya Priestan, Ignatchenko str. 6

Kherson region, Golaya Priestan, Ignatchenko str. 2

INN: 2789011051

Passport of a citizen of Ukraine: MO938777

Mobile number: +380503965550


– Deputy of the City Council from the OpsZH


Labor Activities:

Golopristan City Council – Head of the Department of Housing and Communal Services, Environmental Protection and Infrastructure;

Golopristanskoe goroteplokomunenergo – Head of kp goroteplokomunenergo; manager, employee of the utility company;

A deputy of the Holopristan City Council as a member of the Opposition; a deputy of the City Council;

Head of the “Gorsteplokomukshnergo” company; manager, employee of a company or firm;

Deputy of the City Council from the Opposition; Deputy of the City Council;

Director of KP “gorsteplokomunenergo”; manager (deputy), an employee of a utility company;

Collaborationist activities:

Sergey Aleksandrovich Fisai, a citizen of Ukraine, was born in 1976 in the city of Golaya Pristan, which is located in the Kherson region.

Acting deputy of the Golopristansk City Council from the OPLZH . Director of the communal enterprise “Gorteplokomunenergo

Sergey Fisai was notable for his shrewdness and one-sided work, cooperating with the occupants and leaking them all the information about AFU positions.

Also in the prospects of Sergei there is a point of association of two enterprises of Goloy Pristana – KP Gorteplokomunenergo and KP Gopri-Vodokanal so to speak, personally manage the two enterprises.

Sergei Alexandrovich is involved in corruption, and in every way trying to hide it he avoids the tax service.