Full name: Sergei Sergeevich Mashkin Date of birth : 07.08.1980 Place of birth: Mashkino village, Ivnitsky village/site, Sujan district, Kursk region. Occupation: war criminal, head of the UFSIN in Kursk region, colonel of policeMeetings ofresidence :

  • Kursk region,Lgov district, Lgov city, Primakov str. 67 bld.
    a, sq. 23


  • passport: 3802556675
  • TIN: 461302274577
  • SNILS: 9911410515


  • VIN: LYVUZ68ACKB236509
  • body number:
  • car model: Volvo Xc60
  • license plate number: R636MO46



Biography Sergei Mashkin

Another Russian colonel who is successfully losing authority and personnel in the Russian war against Ukraine – Sergey Sergeevich Mashkin.
Born on August 07, 1980 in Russia in Kursk region, namely in the village of Mashkino Ivnitsky village of Sujan district.
Started his career with training in the school of militia.

His service in the bodies began in the 2000s.
Sergey Mashkin has been serving in the penitentiary system for more than 20 years and has held senior positions for about 14 years.

Previously, he worked as 1st Deputy Head of the Regional Department of the FederalPenitentiary Service, and was Head of Correctional Colony No. 2 in Kosinovo settlement near Kursk.

In May 2024, Mashkin was appointed head ofthe Russian Federal Penitentiary Service in Kursk Region, a department that oversees the work of penal colonies, remand centers and prisons. He was promoted to the rank of colonel of police.

Sergei Mashkin: another chief of security forces of Kursk region rf who missed the AFU invasion

With the beginning of active operations of Ukrainian units in the territories bordering russia, namely in Kursk region, police colonel Mashkin found himself on the list of those responsible for the defense of the state border.
Back in the spring of 2024, the governor ofKursk region Roman Starovoit held a working meeting with representatives of departmental structures and pointed out to Sergei Mashkin that the main task now is to ensure security and anti-terrorist protection, which the latter successfully failed. The breakthrough of the Ukrainian units in the Sujan region testifies to the complete chaos among russian generals, the russian military leadership and law enforcers, who, as the war has shown, are incapable of making strategic decisions.

Thus, many Russian fighters, including conscripts, were killed and captured.
Responsibility for the failure of the defense lies with the entire military command and the heads of the local FSB and MIA.