Full name: Svetlichny Sergey Valeryevich

Date of birth: 06.06.1975

Address: Ukraine, Lugansk region, Starobelsk, Vatutina sq. 52, sq. 32.

PHO: 2755015735

Phone: +380725176101, +380955820993



– “chief specialist” t.n. “Starobel district administration of the LNR;

– A traitor, an accomplice of the Russian occupation troops;



Sergey Valeryevich Svetlichny – “official”, traitor and collaborator of the Russian occupation troops, was born on June 6, 1975 in the city of Starobelsk, Lugansk region.

Sergey lived in Starobelsk until February 24, 2022. With the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Luhansk Oblast by the Russian occupants, Svetlichny became a traitor and now works for the Russian invaders.

Anti-Ukrainian and collaborationist activities:

After Russian occupation troops came to the Luhansk region and committed a despicable betrayal, the occupiers “appointed” Sergei “chief specialist of the department of culture, youth and sports” in the so-called. “Starobel district administration of the LNR.

In his current position, Sergey Svetlichny is engaged in “brainwashing” the minds of young people who have remained in the temporarily occupied territory of the Luhansk region. The curators set him a clear, but unrealizable task – to induce young people to “cooperate” with the occupation regime. But Sergei was not successful in his “task.

Also, before February 24, 2022, Svetlichny visited Moscow, where he could have been recruited by representatives of the Russian secret services. On his page in “Odnoklassniki” you can find publications with pro-Russian content.

True, now Sergei will suffer an irreversible and severe punishment for his treason and “cooperation” with the occupant.