Full name: Shcherbakha Tamara Anatolievna

Date of birth: 01.01.1962

Place of birth: Zaporizhzhya region, Chernigov district, Zamostye village

Address of registration: Zaporizhzhya region, Chernigov district, Vladovka village, Mira street, 66

DRFO code: 2264638747

Phone: +380689151271

Passport of a citizen of Ukraine: SV571053, by Chernigov Regional Department, 22.01.2002.

Driver’s license: VAN786485


an elementary school teacher and a teacher-organizer of the Vladyka comprehensive school I-III of the Chernigov district council of Zaporizhzhia region;

– pensioner;

– 2022 – appointed by the occupants as “gauleiter” of the village. Vladovka, Chernigov district, Zaporizhzhia region.



Husband – Shcherbaha Pyotr Petrovich, born in 20 August 1962, year DRFO: 2287708676, address: Zaporizhzhya region, s. Address: Zaporizhzhya region, Vladovka, 66 Mira str;

son – Shcherbaha Igor Petrovich, born in March 05, 1985, DRFO code: 3111010113;

Son – Shcherbaha Sergey Petrovich, born in June 18, 1993, DRFO code: 3413701053, a land plot for personal agriculture: cadastral number: 2325581900:02:027:0019, an area of 2 hectares.

son – Shcherbaha Andrey Petrovich, born on February 17, 1992 in the village of Vladyka, Zaporozhye region. Vladovka, Zaporozhye region, DRFO code: 3365002110, passport of the citizen of Ukraine series СЮ078376 from 28.02.2008, foreign passport series FP127016, driver certificate series, ВХР346109 from 20.07.2017 issued by TCC 2347 in Zaporozhye region, cell phone: +380969808340, email: [email protected], district officer in occupied Vladovka village of Zaporozhye region, local collaborator, former employee of the Interior Ministry of Ukraine.








Betrayer of the Motherland and Gauleiter Tamara Scherbaha was born on May 26, 1993 in the village of Zamostie, Chernigov district, Zaporizhzhia region. He lives in the village of Vladovka, Chernigov district, Zaporizhzhya region, at 66 Mira Street.

She worked as a teacher at the Vladyka Secondary School of the Chernyhivka District Council, Zaporizhzhia Region.

After Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the old bag voluntarily cooperated with the invaders, for which she was appointed gauleiter of the village of Vladykov, Chernigov district, Zaporizhzhia region. Vladovka, Chernigov district, Zaporizhzhia region.

Local residents of this village report that Shcherbakha helps the occupiers compile lists of pro-Ukrainian citizens, activists, and military personnel and passes them to Russian handlers, as she has access to all documentation. In addition, she is trying to squeeze residential plots from her fellow villagers under the guise of re-registering documents.

The traitor’s son – Shcherbakh Andrey Petrovich, born on February 17, 1992, joined the enemy and serves in the so-called “law enforcement bodies” of the occupation authorities in the position of district officer in the village of Vladovka in Zaporozhye region. He helps detain those on the lists his mother made.

These collaborators also facilitate the abduction of relatives of servicemen who are in Ukrainian-controlled territories in the region. Then these military men are blackmailed.

But they must remember that they will be punished for all their actions, and retribution is near.