
Full Name: Sonya Galustovna Topolyan

Date of Birth: 28.12.1989

Place of birth: Vale, Georgia

OccupationCollaborator, traitor to Ukraine, pirozhki seller

Place of residence:

  • Kamenka-Dneprovska, 59, Gogol St.


  • Passport: СЮ082592 (Ukrainian)
  • TIN: 3286915702 (Ukrainian)
  • TIN: 900100039214 (Russian)
  • Driver’s license: ARB046547




Father: Topolyan Galust Petrosovich Topolyan

Date of birth: 03.10.1963

Address: Kamenka-Dneprovska, Chelyuskin Proul, 11

Passport: CA862935 (Ukrainian)

TIN: 2328614852 (Ukrainian)

Driver’s license: JTA390415


Mother: Liana Grigorievna Markoryan

Date of birth: 24.08.1973

TIN: 2689919783 (Ukrainian)

Phone: +79189343956

Sister: Susanne Galustovna Topolyan.

Date of birth: 06.10.1991

TIN: 3351614426 (Ukrainian)

TIN: 236603360055 (Russian)

Passport: СЮ082606 (Ukrainian)

Driver’s license: VAA456665

Phone: +380501363940

Brother: Topolyan Gevorg Galustovich Topolyan

Date of birth: 04.09.1993

Daughter: Topolyan (Krivonos) Vitalina Viktorovna

Date of birth: 25.08.2010

Grandmother: Sonia Sestrakova Agababyan

Date of birth: 12.04.1953

TIN: 1946024107 (Ukrainian)

Phone: +37477066973

About a month ago, the Energodar TV channel Skeleti Shevchik i Ko published an entertaining story about a female collaborator named Sonya Topolyan from the occupied town of Kamenka-Dneprovskaia in Zaporizhzhya region.

According to “skeletons”, Sonia’s venality did not save her from being beaten by the occupants. Along with her father and her lover from the “military prosecutor’s office”.

The “” team found out more about the story of Sonia’s beating and also established details from her biography.

Biography of Sonya Topolian

Sonya Topolyan was born on December 28, 1989 in the Georgian town of Vale, but from early years she lived in Kamenka-Dniprovska. The Topolyan family ran a small business: selling pies and other small things. After the occupation of the city, Sonya and her kin went without remorse to cooperate with the Rashists. In December 2022, Sonya registered a kharchivna in Kamenka-Dniprovska according to the rules of the Rashistami. So she confirmed that she had obtained citizenship of the occupiers.

Apparently deciding that she had grabbed God by the beard, Sonya started to play big – she started cashing out and exchanging currencies. It is known to be a very dirty yet lucrative business. Apparently the Rashists didn’t like the fact that some petty collaborator started it. That’s why they decided to teach the insolent Sonya and her relatives a lesson.

Sonya Topolian: withfamily

Despite the recognition of the social network Instagram as extremist in Russia, the wannabe “Russian world” Sonya Topolyan actively continues to use this social network. It was from there that we learned a lot about the lavish life of a traitor.

In addition to expensive parties, things and cars, as it turns out, Sonia is into plastic surgery. This is clearly visible if you compare her current photos with photos from ten years ago: the traitor increased her lips and slightly “cut” her nose.


Sonya Topolyan has a younger brother Gevorg (born in 1993) and a sister Suzanna (born in 1991). Judging by the photo, now they live on the territory of the Russian Federation, namely in the city of Sochi, Krasnodar Krai. The parents of the collaborator and her thirteen-year-old daughter Vitalina (born in 2010) also live there. Apparently, they decided to hide there and wait out the hostilities.

Sonia’s father, Galust, worked as a head housekeeper at the Kamensk-Dniprovsk Central District Hospital and was elected as a deputy to the City Council in 2015 from the Renaissance Party. The Topolyan family owns a lot of real estate in Kamenka-Dneprovska and clearly has no plans to lose them.

But given that they have defected to the Rashists, after the return of the occupied territories, Ukraine can quietly deprive them of this property. And the collaborators themselves should be sent to jail!