Full name: Korobkin Stanislav Vladimirovich

Date of birth: November 22, 1974

Address: vil. Shaykovka, 14, sq. 7

Passport: 4997021739

INN: 531500665760

Phone: +79116017992, +79807131552

Email: [email protected]

Place of service: 52nd Guards Heavy Bomber Aviation Regiment, military unit 13785 (Shaykovka village, Kaluga Oblast)

Occupation.: war criminal, terrorist, pilot of the 52nd Guards Heavy Bomber Aviation Regiment


Wife: Irina Korobkina

Contacts: +79116422846

Contacts: +79140092347

Daughter: Yevseeva Daria Artemovna


Hyundai H-1/Starex (vin: KMHWH81KBGU815400);

VAZ/Lada 2121/Niva (vin: XTA21213021606550);

Nissan X-trail (part number: O243MK40, vin: Z8NTANT32)

The information about war criminals is taken from an investigation by the OSINT community:

Brief Biography

Stanislav Korobkin is a war criminal, a serviceman of the crews of Tu-22M3 bombers that destroy Ukrainian cities. Terrorist was born on November 22, 1974, in Kaluga Oblast, Russian Federation.

Korobkin serves in the 52nd Bomber Aviation Regiment, 13785, which is permanently stationed in Shaykovka.

War Crimes by Stanislav Korobkin

During his military service Korobkin proved to be not in the best light. In March 2011, a case was filed to collect alimony from Korobkin, the amount of alimony is listed as 1/4, presumably from the wages fees. В In June 2014, a case was initiated against a serviceman with a fine of 500p. from the traffic police.

The main “trait” of the serviceman is that Stanislav Korobkin is one of 44 people involved in terrorist attacks on peaceful Ukrainian cities. Terrorist Stanislav Vladimirovich, is responsible for the implementation and execution of a massive missile attack by the Russian Federation on Ukraine on the holiday of January 14, 2023.

One of the terrorist missiles, an X-22 anti-ship cruise missile, hit a high-rise building in the city of Dnipro and as a result of the hit the entire entrance of the apartment building collapsed, from the 2nd to 9th floor.

As a result of a terrorist attack by members of an aviation regiment in Dnepr – more than 40 victims, the fate of many people remains unknown.

Military pilot Stanislav Korobkin deserves only to be imprisoned and severely punished. Everyone responsible for the rocket attack on the apartment building in Dnepr will be severely punished for his bloody orders!