Full name: Svetlana Sergeevna Goncharova

Date of birth: 09.11.1967

INN: 2478407847

Address: Ukraine, Mariupol, Donetsk region, Novorossiyskaya str. 8, sq. 42.


-physicianobstetrician-gynecologist at Hospital No. 9 in Mariupol;

-medical officer under the occupation authorities;

-supporter of the Russian troops, a collaborator.

Collaborator Svetlana Sergeevna Goncharova was born on November 9, 1967 in Mariupol, Donetsk region.

Svetlana Igorevna is a doctor by profession. Graduated from Donetsk State Medical University. М. Gorky. She began her career in 1992.

From 1992-1995. – From 1992-1995, she was an intern majoring in obstetrics and gynecology at Maternity Hospital No. 1 in Mariupol .

From 1995 to 2022 – obstetrician-gynecologist at Mariupol City Hospital No.9.

After the start of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russian occupation troops in February 2022, Svetlana Sergeevna voluntarily defected to the side of the occupiers. The woman began agitating hospital employees to help the soldiers of the Russian Armed Forces, the so-called “liberators.

The collaborator then began supplying the fighters with medicines, tourniquets, and other medical supplies in the form of humanitarian aid to Russian terrorists.

At present, the traitor Svetlana Goncharova continues her medical practice under the occupation authorities. And works as an obstetrician-gynecologist of the state budgetary institution “State Hospital No. 9 of Mariupol. Mariupol” under the occupation authorities.

For aiding the enemy and betraying her homeland, the collaborator will suffer a just punishment, and it will come for the traitor very soon.