
Full Name:
Svetlana Pavlovna Shilo

Date of Birth:

Ukraine, Zaporozhye region,Melitopolsky district,settlement Priazovskoye


– deputy for educational work at School No. 9 under the occupants;

– The Russian Standards of Education;

– State traitor, collaborator



Shylo Svetlana Pavlovna – an accomplice of the Russian occupants and a traitor to Ukraine, who thanked the Russians for “liberation” was born in the village Priazovskoye of Melitopol district of Zaporizhzhya region.

Shilo is an educator by training. He has a total work experience of more than 15 years. Graduated from Berdyansk Pedagogical University. But as it turned out, for many years an employee of the educational sphere, pretended to be a person who propagandizes Ukrainian, but in fact lurked pro-Russian views. With the arrival of the occupiers, she found a workplace to her liking.

Anti-Ukrainian activities:

After the invasion of Russian occupation troops into the territory of Ukraine in February 2022 and the arrival of Russian invaders on the territory of Zaporizhzhya region, the woman voluntarily agreed to cooperate with the representatives of the Rashist authorities and began working at the “Ministry of Education” under the occupation authorities of Melitopol district.

The stateswoman was happily engaged in the preparation of the educational process of the russian program. She took the position of “deputy director for educational work” in occupational school No. 9. Filmed propaganda videos thanking the occupiers for facilitating the educational process.

The woman urged parents of schoolchildren to recognize the Russian curriculum and read Russian textbooks. The traitor continues to support Russian educational standards and propagandizes anti-Ukrainian sentiments. The traitor also agitated local residents to vote in a fake referendum and for Russian passportization. Participated in and organized pro-Russian events, Supervises Russian projects, e.g. “healthy food in schools”.

For aiding the occupation troops and introducing Russian education for Ukrainian children in Melitopol district, the collaborator Shylo Svitlana Pavlovna is facing imminent punishment, which will soon befall the traitor. They will have to pay for all their crimes against the people of Ukraine.