Prikhodko Tatiana Igorevna was born on October 21, 1982 in the city of Melitopol, Zaporozhye region.
Tatyana Igorevna worked in one of the city’s public utility companies called Communal Property and for a long time served as deputy director for legal matters.
Also for many years Tatiana Igorevna was a member of the election commission in local elections in the city and served as deputy chairman of the territorial election commission.
After the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Zaporizhzhia region by Russian invaders, the traitor Prikhodko voluntarily collaborated with the occupiers and began working in the administrative structures of the occupiers.
It was Prykhodko who started various machinations under the leadership of the occupants and headed a commission to take an inventory of all lands and businesses whose owners do not pay taxes to the local budget. The traitor was appointed to a position in the so-called “ministry of communal property”. The collaborator compiled lists of communal and privately owned businesses, which o
The occupants “nationalize” and put them in the hands of Russian businessmen
and pseudo officials fromthe“dnr and lnr.
In addition, the treasonous woman is directly related to the pseudo-referendum on the annexation of Zaporizhzhia Region to the Russian Federation. Tatyana Prikhodko was the coordinator of the “electoral process” and provided pseudo-legal (legal) support to the occupation authorities. It organized the counting of pseudo-votes of local residents and told propaganda channels about the positive results of the referendum.
The traitor Prikhodko Tatiana Igorevna will be held responsible for her treachery of the state, violation of Ukrainian law and collaborationist activities. And the punishment for the traitor will come very soon.
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