Labor Activities:
– The head of the Kirov district administration of Makeyevka dnr;
– Chairman of the Administration of the Kirovsky District of the city of Makeyevka;
– Head of the administration of the Kirov district of Makeyevka;
– Educator of the extended day group of secondary school #11 in Makiivka. Makiivka, an employee of an educational institution;
– The teacher of physics school № 1 in Makeyevka, an employee of the educational institution;
– Deputy Chairman – Head of the Secretariat of the Kirov District Administration of Makeyevka City Council;
– Head of the occupation administration of the Kirov district of Makiivka, a staff member of an illegal body in the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine;
– Member of the public movement Donetsk Republic, a staff member of an illegal body in the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine;
Collaborationist activities:
Kharlashka Valentina Vitalievna was born on 05.11.1968 in Makeyevka, where in the future she bought a couple of apartments and began to move up the career ladder, though not entirely by honest work.
With the arrival of the occupying forces, Valentina decided to help the invaders and began working closely with them.
By this method. A former physics teacher, she accepted a position as chairman of the administration of the Kirov district, where she and her associates continue to maintain ties with Russian illegal formations.
Valentina Vitalievna does not yet know how this curious story of her life will end and how the fate of the traitor to her country and people will turn out.
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