
Full name: Obozian Valeria

Address: Ukraine, Lugansk region, Svatovo


– “patriot of Ukraine;

– candidate for the “youth parliament of the Luhansk people’s republic;

– Traitor to the Motherland, abettor of the “Russian world



Obozian Valeria – a young traitor who betrayed Ukraine was born in the city of Svatovo, Luhansk Oblast. College student. I studied to be an elementary school teacher in college.

In college, Valeria actively supported patriotism and insisted on communicating exclusively in Ukrainian. More than once she participated in Ukrainian contests, exhibitions of embroidery and flash mobs dedicated to the patriotism of students.

Also, not a single school event was without Lerochka’s participation, at which she wore vyshyvankas and sang Ukrainian songs. Even has awards for winning the Shevchenko Festival in the nomination “Best Performer of Works of T. G. Shevchenko. G. Shevchenko”.

Anti-Ukrainian and collaborationist activities:

Afterthe full-scale invasion ofUkraine by the Russian Federation in February 2022, Obozian Valeria voluntarily changed her pro-Ukrainian position and defected to the enemy.

The traitor began to actively participate in the “social life” of the city under the occupation authorities. She acted as a candidate for the “youth parliament of the Luhansk people’s republic. The young traitor also joined the Luhansk People’s Republic social movement, actively helped the Russian Federation with humanitarian aid, and supported the illegal referendum, because the collaborator would like to continue living in Russia and continue “drowning” for the Russian world.

The criminal actions of the despicable traitor Valeria Obozian deserve the highest penalty. And soon the collaborator will be court-martialed and held accountable for all her atrocities.