Full name: Viktor Viktorovich Kuchkovoy

Date of birth: 07.07.1976

Place of birth: Ukraine, Donetsk

Address: Ukraine, Donetsk, 16 Kaluzhskaya str.

INN: 2794700655

Phone numbers: +380639705528 +380504741710

+380675061722 +380675354153

+380665195674 +380956026167



– Minister of Health of the DNR.


Collaborationist activities:

Viktor Viktorovich Kuchkovoy was born on July 7, 1976 in Donetsk – an accomplice of the Russian-fascist invaders and terrorists.

Viktor Kuchkova took a job as Minister of Health in the Donetsk People’s Republic.

During the occupation of the territories of Ukraine, Victor supported the invaders and assisted them in carrying out their plans.

He created terrorist organizations on the territory of Donetsk.

By betraying his family, Viktorovich disgraced not only his family name, but his clan as well.

Victor will be sentenced to imprisonment. And soon he will get it.