Full name: Makhova Victoria Valerievna

Date of birth: 08.09.1963

TIN: 2326112726

Place of birth: Ukraine, Donetsk region, the city of Liman.

Address of residence: Ukraine, Donetsk region, Liman, Pushkina str. 6A, sq. 3.

Cell phone:+380508169091


  • traitor to Ukraine before the occupation, a speech therapist teacher.

Collaborationist activities:

She was born Victoria Valerievna Makhova September 8, 1963 in the city of Liman, which is located in the Donetsk region.

After the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russian invaders on February 24, 2022, Victoria Makhova supported the policy of the occupation authorities and herself went over to the side of the enemy.

Before the occupation of the Donetsk region, Victoria worked as a speech therapist teacher in ZOD №1 in the town of Liman. She voluntarily stayed at her workplace and started working for the occupiers.

After the de-occupation of the Donetsk region, Victoria will go to prison under Article 111 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine for treason against her country.