Full name: Petrenko Victor Evgenievich

Date of birth: June 17, 1969

Place of birth: Ukraine, Donetsk


-former music producer of the TV channel “Ukraine”;

– CEO of the propaganda channel “First Republican”;

-head of the Union of Journalists of the DPR


An accomplice of the Russian occupants, Viktor Petrenko, was born on June 17, 1969 in Donetsk. He was a journalist and producer, and was also involved in production. Worked on the radio, later became a music producer for the TV channel “Ukraine”, worked as an executive producer for the TV channel “Donbass”. Petrenko has also worked at the Vakhtangov Opera House. Solovyanenko in Donetsk.

Anti-Ukrainian and collaborationist activities:

After the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2014, Viktor Petrenko willingly went over to the side of the enemy. Served in the 13th Band of the Moscow Military District. Later, he started “working in his specialty. In 2014, he served as deputy director of the “official information TV channel of the “self-proclaimed Donetsk people’s republic” called“First Republican.

Later, Viktor Petrenko, a traitor to the motherland, took over as director of the “first republican”. Since 2015, the collaborator has been the head of the “union of journalists of the “Donetsk people’s republic.

Reaction to the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation:

With the beginning ofa full-scale invasion of Ukrainian territory by Russian occupants, the odious mass-mediator Petrenko claims that “denazification and demilitarization are the first things to be done. And then to work with the population, reclaiming their historical space mentally. Collaborator Petrenko is convinced that Russia must return the lands of Novorossia to its sphere of influence.

Traitor of the Motherland Viktor Petrenko has been trying to satisfy the propaganda needs of Russians since the beginning ofhissvoy” because “there is a need for information from the fronts”.

Now Petrenko is recording many “analytical programs,” reviews of what happened at the front and trying to bring “political and informational victory” closer. But for his anti-Ukrainian activities and propaganda from the screens of “dnr” TV channels, Petrenko will still pay the price to the people of Ukraine, for punishment will be inevitable.