Full name: Deines Vitaly Gennadyevich

Date of birth: January 24, 1975

Passport: VS 427373

Address: Ukraine, Mariupol, Donetsk region, st.Pobedy,19., кв.221

Phone: +380502933780


– an employee of the Mariupol City Palace of Children’s and Youth Creativity;

– a representative of the cultural sector under the occupation authorities;

– an accomplice of the occupiers, a collaborator of the collaborators.

Deines Vitaly Gennadyevich was born on January 24, 1975 in the city of Mariupol, Donetsk region. He has a higher education. Several years abroad in Ukraine. In 2014, he returned and began his political activities.

He was a member of the Communist Party of Ukraine, and was also a representative of the Mariupol City Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine. The traitor also worked in the sphere of culture. For a long time Deines V.G. worked as a sound engineer at the Mariupol City Palace of Children’s and Youth Creativity.

In addition to his creative approach to work, Vitaly Gennadyevich Deines was remembered for his approach to the occupiers, who, after the beginning of a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, particularly in the Donetsk region, appointed the collaborator as head of the cultural sector of the Cultural Center “Molodezhny” under the occupation authorities.

Traitor Deines is the organizer of many cultural events aimed at supportingtheRussian world” and Russian culture in Mariupol. I was at a meeting with the self-proclaimed mayor of Mariupol, Ivashchenko, as a representative of the administrative authorities. In August 2022, he headed the Mariupol city territorial trade union under the occupying authorities of the city.

For separatism, subversion of national ideas, and treason, the collaborator Deines will receive a just punishment. And he will surely answer for all the harm done to his country.