
Full name: Shaydetsky Vitaly Vitalyevich

Date of birth: 18.04.1983

Passport: AB417750

TIN: 3042313630

Address: Ukraine, Zaporizhzhya region, Kamensko-Dneprovsky district, Vodyanoye village, Mira street, 225.

Contacts: +380668812829


Wife – Shaydetskaya Tatiana Grigorievna, 08.08.1985.

TIN: 3126621684

Identification card: passport СЮ 008724

Contacts: +380995240793,+ 380613851244

Brother – Shaydetsky Igor Vitalievich, 29.01.1979

Registration address: Ukraine, Vinnitsa, Solnechnaya str. 2

Identification card: passport CA 232467

Driver’s license: VHO 015492

Contacts: +380951226826,+380613937414



– a former employee of a security company;

– Z-patriot, propaganda participant;

– participant of a “party” in Melitopol on the occasion of the “day of reunification” with Russia.



Z-patriot, who not only “in words”, but also with his anti-Ukrainian actions supported the policy of the aggressor country – Shaydetsky Vitaliy Vitalievich. He was born and lives in the village of Vodyanoye, Kamensko-Dneprovsky district, Zaporizhzhya region. Graduated from Vinnytsia National Agrarian University.

Shaydetsky worked at several enterprises in Kamensk-Dniprovsky district, as well as in Energodar. He was an employee of a large energy companyDTEK Dniproenergo. Then Vitaliy worked for several years at Dnipro security company Professional Protection.

When a full-scale war broke out in Ukraine, Vitaly Shaydetsky became one of the first residents of the said locality who voluntarily betrayed his people and exchanged his patriotism for the“values of the Russian world” and thus went over to the side of the occupants.

Anti-Ukrainian activities:

Since the beginning of full-scale hostilities by the aggressor country on the territory of Ukraine, Shaydetsky and his family have been actively expressing their commitment to the occupying authorities. His brother – Shaydetsky Igor Vitalievich has been supporting Putin’s occupation policy on the territory of Ukraine since 2014 and happily celebrates“Defender of the Fatherland Day“.

After the arrival of the occupants Kolobok Shaydetsky went to cooperate with representatives of Putin’s regime in Kamensk-Dniprovsky district. He has repeatedly spoken out about the violation of the territorial integrity of Ukraine. In his social networks Vitaliy spreads provocative publications in social networks to discredit the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Collaborator Shaydetsky supports rf aggression against Ukraine. He actively puts forward Rashist ideas of political and territorial organization of Ukraine and believes that “reunification with rf” is one of the options that will help to avoid bloodshed and unite peoples and stop the “war of brotherly peoples”.

In the “friendly collective” of collaborators Shaydetsky, his family, including his brother and wife Tatyana celebrated the anniversary of the “reunification” of Zaporizhzhya region with Russia. The local Putin’s jackal was very happy to be present at the gathering organized by the pseudo-deputy of the LDPR Vladimir Malyarenko. In a drunken outburst, he claimed that “we are for Russia, we are all from the Soviet Union.” Raised a toast to the Russian “defenders”.

Of course, we can conclude that we are facing another collaborator, an accomplice of Russian war criminals and occupiers, involved in the genocide of the Ukrainian people and an accomplice to the crimes of the Russian authorities against the state of Ukraine.

Vitaly Shaydetsky will not be able to avoid paying for his war crimes and support for Putin’s regime in Ukraine.