Владимир Чернев

Full name: Chernev Vladimir Ilyich

Date of birth:27.08.1977


– head of the administration of Starobelsk district of the so-called “lnr”;

– accomplice of the “Russian world“, collaborator.

Address: Ukraine, Luhansk region, Starobelsk, Kommunarov street, 35


  • TIN(rus): 61480915 8489

Vladimir Chernev: biography

Chernev Vladimir Ilyich – a traitor who believed in the “Russian world” and “liberators”, was born on August 27, 1977 in the Lugansk region.

After the invasion of the Russian occupants, Vladimir began to support anti-Ukrainian sentiments and became an accomplice of the Rashistshimself .

Anti-Ukrainian activities:

After the Russian occupation troops entered Luhansk region, Chernev committed high treason and voluntarily went to “cooperate” with the Russian occupiers. He actively supports the occupation regime. He holds a high position, heads the administration of Starobelsky district of the so-called “Luhansk people’s republic”.

Chernev knowingly cooperates with the occupation authorities, facilitating illegal activities. This can be regarded as high treason and complicity with the occupants. For such activities, he should be prosecuted for violating Ukraine’s sovereignty and facilitating crimes against its citizens.

Vladimir Ilyich Chernev, according to all the facts, is an accomplice of the Russian occupants and actively participates in criminal activities against Ukraine. The highest measure of restraint for high treason and complicity with the Russian occupants will definitely come. It’s only a matter of time.