Full name: Komarov Vladimir

Date of birth: February 20, 1988



Prokopenko Irina – wife

Date of birth:
Social media: ttps://ok.ru/profile/312108409518

Komarova Anna Vladimirovna – daughter

Social media: https://vk.com/anyakom,

Phone: +79104891971

Komarov Alexander Vladimirovich – son

Social media: https://vk.com/id21169928

Телефон:+79163664612, +79807129571

Brief Biography

The Russian serviceman-terrorist Vladimir Komarov serves in the aviation regiment in 33310, is a member of the command staff of the unit and has the military rank of colonel. In 2014, he served as chief of the Shaikoka Flight Group.

War Crimes of Vladimir Komarov

On January 14, 2023, Komarov was involved in a terrorist act and a massive missile attack by the Russian Federation on Ukraine, namely on the city of Dnepr.

Terrorist Vladimir Komarov coordinated the launch of supersonic long-range X-22 airborne anti-ship cruise missiles on Ukrainian territory. One of these killer rockets hit a high-rise building in the city of Dnepr and as a result of the hit the whole entrance of the high-rise collapsed, from 2nd to 9th floor, and the first floor together with the people and the bodies of the dead was under the rubble.

As a result of a terrorist attack by members of an aviation regiment in Dnepr – more than 40 victims, the fate of many people remains unknown.

Colonel Vladimir Komarov, a veteran war criminal who does not have an ounce of conscience left. The terrorist gave criminal orders to destroy civilians and now, unequivocally, deserves only prison and the harshest punishment. Everyone responsible for the missile attack on the apartment building in Dnepr will be severely punished for following Putin’s bloody orders!