
Full name: Samsonova Yulia Igorevna

Date of birth: 03.06.1986

Addresses of residence, registration: Ukraine, Zaporozhye region, Melitopol, 30 years of victory, 26, sq. 83, Melitopol, Babushkina street, 84.

Passport: СЮ 283465

Driver’s license: PMA 204257

TIN: 3156512461


– t.s. Acting Head of the Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 4 for Zaporizhzhya region;

– Collaborator, collaborator of the Russian occupiers.


The information on collaborators is taken from an OSINT community investigation:


Samsonova Yulia Igorevna – a state traitor who chose the side of the accomplice of “Putin’s power“, was born in Melitopol, Zaporozhye region. He has a law degree. She studied at the Zaporizhzhya Law Institute of the Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs.

For some time Yulia Igorevna was engaged in entrepreneurial activity and also worked as a senior inspector in the tax inspection. Samsonova showed her commitment to the “Russian world” and with the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the Russian invaders on the territory of the Kherson region, the woman went over to the side of the enemy.

Anti-Ukrainian activities:

Thus the collaborator cooperates with the occupation authorities, voluntarily and on her own initiative took the position of Acting “Head of the Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 4 for Zaporizhzhya region“In the city of Melitopol, forces individuals-entrepreneurs and legal entities to re-register enterprises according to the instructions of their pseudo-managers and demand funds from FLPs, but already on behalf of the services of the Russian Federation.

Collaborator Samsonova also participates in joint propaganda activities with the Russians and their henchmen. Participated in the organization and holding of an illegitimate referendum, voted “for” the annexation of the Kherson region to the Russian Federation.

In addition to her “main job,” Samsonova was engaged in registering business activities for the benefit of the occupiers and organizing humanitarian aid for the Rashists.

The traitor Samsonova Yulia Igorevna will answer to the tribunal for her assistance and cooperation with the Russian occupation power. The collaborator of the occupiers and terrorists, as well as all other collaborators, will receive a just punishment.