Full name: Budrin Yuri Anatolievich

Date of birth: May 8, 1963

Passport: VA242149

INN: 2313821932

Address: Ukraine, Donetsk, Chekalina str.


– the head of the occupation administration of the Kirov district of Donetsk;

– traitor to the motherland, collaborator

An accomplice of the Russian occupation authorities, Yuri Anatolyevich Budrin was born on May 8, 1963 in the city of Donetsk. Until February 24, 2022, Yuri Anatolievich was engaged in entrepreneurial activities

After thefull-scaleinvasion of Ukraine by Russian invaders, Budrin began actively assisting the occupying forces and the interim leadership in the city of Donetsk. The collaborator contributed to the activities of the russian military, and then agreed to the occupants’ offers to work in the “local administration.

Now the traitor Yuri Budrin closely cooperates with the occupation authorities, acting as head of the occupation administration of the Kirovsky district of Donetsk.

The state traitor stubbornly carries out “tasks” from the occupation authorities. In the person of the head of the community outreach department, Budrin conducts personal appointments with citizens on “issues of rebuilding houses damaged as a result of military action by the Ukrainian Armed Forces. The collaborator also tries to assure the residents of the city of decent social security, but he himself has repeatedly “sent” people who appealed to him with vitally important questions.

For aiding and abetting the occupiers, Yuri Anatolievich Budrin, a collaborator, will face imminent punishment. And it will come very soon. After all, you will have to answer to the law for all your crimes.