Tiktok troops illuminated their location and the kind of activity they have on the ground, just as the Akhmatovs in Lysychansk are looking for patriots.

Kadyrovites in occupied Lisichansk looking for patriots


A team of investigators “
” has identified the location of the detachment “
” from the battalion “

📯 They are not capable of anything more than conducting filtration activities and purges among the local population in temporarily occupied Lysychansk on the tip of local collaborators.

Kadyrovites in occupied Lisichansk looking for patriots


📯 The hero of this video was
Muhammad (Muhamed) Khamayev
with the call sign “

Social media:

💥 https://vk.com/id564305374

💥 https://t.me/AkhmatsilaVZ

According to information from “the place” the heroine of the video (will be in the comments) is a local collaborator

Victoria Boyko

. She was probably the one (at the end of the video) telling us which houses, apartments and people to pay close attention to.

Kadyrovites in occupied Lisichansk looking for patriots


📯 They live in a “
” in a squeezed out private house.


📯 The picture shows everything schematically.

🚨 If you have information about collaborators or occupiers, send it to our bot.
. All information will reach the necessary special services.

More information about how the Ahmatovtsy people in Lysychansk are looking for patriots can be found in the telegram channel.