Full name: Boyko Alexander Sergeevich

Date of birth: January 17, 1987

Address: Ukraine, Sumy region, Trostyanets district, Trostyanets, Lokomotivnaya street, 17; Dnepropetrovsk region, Dnepr, Krivorozhskoe highway, 1.

DRFO: 3179322192

Phone: +380989334940;


– a laborer, worked on construction sites;

– an employee of the National Police of Ukraine;

– a member of the pro-Russian party “Party of Shariya;

– Collaborator, collaborator of the Russian occupants;



He is not married and has no children.

The ragamuffin and traitor Boyko Alexander Sergeevich was born on January 17, 1987 in the village of Polyanae, Trostyanets district, Sumy region. When Alexander was in school, he could not choose any interesting profession for himself and in the future began to engage in low-skilled work, for example in the construction of various objects. But, he managed to leave his native village to live in the district center – Trostyanets.

However, fate soon smiled on Boyko and he got a job with the Trostyanets police. He didn’t become a policeman, but he found shuffling papers and typing on the keyboard much easier than working with a jackhammer or a sledgehammer at a construction site. And Alexander had a good life – an easy and stable job, no worries, “life was good. Moreover, in 2020, Boyko joined the pro-Russian party “Shariya Party” and was even nominated to represent the party in Trostyanets .

All was well until the war came into Alexander’s life. After the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022 and during the temporary occupation of Trostyanets, Alexander Boyko betrayed Ukraine and assisted the occupiers with information about AFU positions, provision of food, and housing the invaders. After Trostyanets was released by Ukrainian defenders, Boyko suddenly “disappeared” and is wanted by Ukrainian law enforcement. There is a ghostly hope that the punishment caught up with him before he could escape to the “vastness”.