
Full name: Alexander Sergeyevich Ganus

Address: Ukraine, Lugansk region, Novopskov settlement, 11 Lenina str.


– teacher according to Russian educational standards;

– Director of the Ganusov gymnasium in the Novopskov district under the occupiers;

– collaborator, traitor


Ganus Alexander Sergeevich – a traitor to the Motherland, who devoted so many years of his labor experience to Ukraine, but as a result he despicably betrayed it, was born in the urban-type settlement of Novopskov, Luhansk region.

With the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russian occupation troops, a resident of Novopskov district actively expressed his support for the occupants and voluntarily defected to the enemy.

Anti-Ukrainian and collaborationist activities:

After the “liberators” came to the territory of Luhansk region, Oleksandr Ganus voluntarily defected to the side of the occupation authorities and was appointed to the position of “director of an educational institution” in the said locality.

The traitor has switched to Russian educational standards and propagates anti-Ukrainian sentiments, brainwashing children with Russian ideology. The teaching staff was forced to cooperate with the Russian aggressor.

Also, the traitor does not believe that Ukraine will return all of its territories. I myself went to “advanced training” on the territory of the Russian Federation. He put pressure on teachers who refused to work with the occupation authorities, motivating them by “a decent future with the rf”.

For complicity with the occupation troops and pro-Russian position of the collaborator Ganus Alexander Sergeevich awaits imminent punishment, which will soon befall the traitor.