
Full name: Gnidenko Alexander Ivanovich

Address: Ukraine,Lugansk region,Bilovodskyi district, s. Litvinovka


– director of the farm;

– agronomist under the Russian occupation authorities;

– A collaborator of the occupation authorities, a collaborator of the occupation authorities


Gnidenko Alexander Ivanovich – treasonist and traitor to the motherland, was born in the village Litvinovka of Belovodskiy district of Lugansk region.

Alexander Ivanovich connected his career with agricultural activities. I worked at an enterprise that dealt with the agro-industrial sector. He was the director of one of the rural (farms) in Litvinovka village.

Anti-Ukrainian and collaborationist activities:

With the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Russian occupation troops in the Luhansk region, Gnidenko Alexander Ivanovich was one of the first to cooperate with the enemy.

Collaborator Alexander Gnidenko began to willingly carry out the tasks of the occupation policy of the Russian enemy. He was one of the first to get a Rashist passport and re-register the farm. He also coordinated agribusiness issues in the Belovodsk district to meet the humanitarian needs of the occupiers in the form of food and accommodation for the russian army at the expense of agricultural enterprises.

Farmer Alexander Gnidenko was on the list of despicable traitors and collaborators. For aiding the Russian enemy, the accomplice of the fascists will receive a fair punishment. After all, he would certainly have to answer both to the law and to the people for betraying his homeland.