Full name: Khachin Alexander Dmitrievich

Date of birth: February 20, 1988

Address: Irkutsk, ul. Krasnoyarskaya 28, kv.16

Passport: 2514965458

INN: 251113956847

Cell phone: +79834147458

Place of service: 52nd Guards Heavy Bomber Aviation Regiment, unit 33310 (Shaykovka village, Kaluga Oblast)

Occupation: war criminal, terrorist, member of the 52nd Guards Heavy Bomber Aviation Regiment



Hachina Anna Alexandrovna – wife, makes cakes to order

Date of birth: April 1, 1987

Social media: https://vk.com/id677834880,

Brief Biography

Khachin Aleksandr Dmitrievich is a war criminal, a Tu-22 M3 pilot of the 52nd Guards Air Regiment, in/number 33310, who mercilessly destroys Ukrainian cities. The terrorist was born on February 20, 1988, in the Russian city of Irkutsk.

Khachin currently serves in the 52nd Heavy Bomber Aviation Regiment of the 22nd Division of Long-Range Aviation of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (hr 33310). It is there that long-range Tu-22M3 bombers are in service, from which the terrorists are shelling critical infrastructure and civilian facilities in Ukraine.

War Crimes of Alexander Khachin

Alexander Khachin, a pilot of an aviation regiment, like many servicemen of the Russian Armed Forces, turned out to be a terrorist and a war criminal. Alexander Dmitrievich is a participant of a “special military operation” on the territory of Ukraine.

It was Vitaly Styopkin, as a member of the military unit 33310, who was involved in the shelling of the Amstor shopping center on June 27, 2022 in the city of Kremenchug.

Also the name of Alexander Dmitrievich Khachin became known all over the world after the terrorist attack on the house in Dnipro on January 14, 2023, where more than 100 civilians were wounded and died as the result of the cruelest missile attack of the Russian Federation by the supersonic air-launched cruise missiles of X-22 long-range anti-ship missiles.

The executor of Putin’s “bloody orders,” Alexander Khachin, will face a fateful punishment for his egregious crimes against Ukraine and its people. On the conscience of the serviceman are the lives of many civilians. Remember, they are already looking for you and will punish you to the fullest for all your crimes!