Full name: Khnychkin Alexander Ivanovich

Date of birth: 08.10.1996

Address: Ukraine, settlement Kuybyshevo, Zaporozhye region, Krasnoarmeyskaya str. 28.

INN: 2438716914

Phone: +79900725537


– an employee of the local government in Kuybyshevo;

– Commandant of the village of Kuybyshev under the occupation authorities;

– An accomplice of the Russian occupation authorities, a collaborator


Traitor Khnychkin Alexander Ivanovich was born on October 8, 1996 in Kuybyshevo urban type settlement of Zaporozhye region. Khnychkin worked in the local administration. He served as head of the social benefits department.

As it turned out, Alexander Ivanovich was among those persons who participated in anti-Ukrainian rallies and carried out sabotage on the territory of Ukraine. Khnychkin is one of the organizers of the pro-Russian partisan movement in Zaporizhzhia region.

He was also a member of the electoral commission of the “referendum” on the annexation of Zaporizhzhia region to the Russian Federation. The collaborator repeatedly gave interviews to Russian propaganda channels, where he discredited the Armed Forces of Ukraine and did not recognize the current government.

After the start of the full-scale invasion of rf in Ukraine on February 24, 2022, the occupier’s accomplice Khnychkin A.I. spread pro-Russian sentiments and willingly agreed to cooperate with the occupiers. He was appointed commandant of the settlement of Kuybyshevo and is now in charge of maintaining “public order” under the leadership of the occupation authorities.

In the end, Khnychkin Alexander Ivanovich, a collaborator, will be justly punished for supporting the actions of the aggressor state. He will certainly answer to the law for his pro-Russian stance.