Full name: Kurochkin Alexander Valeryevich

Date of birth: 10/25/1978

Address: Ukraine, Donetsk region, Nikolskoe village, Nikolskaya street, 7;


Passport: VA 070158

+380971881990, +380977086807;

Driver’s license:


– officer of the State FSS of Ukraine, head of the Nikolsk department of the Volnovakha-Mangush department of the State FSS of Ukraine in Donetsk region;

– t.s. “head of the Mangush department of the DNR Ministry of Revenue;

– Collaborator, collaborator of the Russian occupants;




He is not married and has no children.

Publican in the service of the occupants – Kurochkin Alexander Valerievich, born October 25, 1978 in the village Nikolskoe, Donetsk region. Alexander would spend almost his entire life in Nikolskoye: school, taxation, and betrayal.

After graduation, Alexander gets a job with the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine, commonly known as the “tax service. Kurochkin worked in the Nikolsk department of the Volnovakha-Mangush department of the State Fire Service of Ukraine in the Donetsk region. Alexander’s career in “tax” was successful – the management appointed him to the position of the head of Nikolsk department. Unfortunately, Kurochkin let his leadership and fellow villagers down.

With the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022 and the entry of Russian occupation troops into Nikolskoye, Alexander Kurochkin betrayed Ukraine and went over to the side of the enemy. The invaders appreciated Kurochkin’s “right” choice and appointed him to the “position” of the so-called “the head of the Mangush branch of the DNR Ministry of Revenue. It was established that in his “position” Alexander was illegally seizing money from civilians living in Nikolskoye under the guise of “payment” of the so-called “DNR taxes.

Alexander Kurochkin faces inevitable and just retribution for his “work” for the enemy and his heinous treason, which is approaching him every day.