
Full name: Mitus Alexander Petrovich

Address: Ukraine, Lugansk region, Lysychansk city.


– former employee of the housing and communal services department in Lysychansk;

– an employee of the Luhansk occupation administration ;

– traitor, collaborator


Mithus Alexander Petrovich is a supporter of the ideology of “Russian peace” and an accomplice of the Russian occupants, was born in the urban-type settlement of Belogorovka, Luhansk region. He worked in the Belogorovsky settlement council as an engineer-specialist in construction, and in the Lisichansk city military-civil administration as a specialist in public utilities. He dreamed of becoming the headman of Belogorovka village. His wife, Yana Nikolayevna Mitus, worked in Belogorovsky village council as a janitor.

Oleksandr Mitus organized his labor way in local self-government bodies and for a long time held the position of a leading specialist of the department of housing and communal services, infrastructure at Lysychansk City Council.

Anti-Ukrainian and collaborationist activities:

After the arrival of the “liberators” Mithus Alexander Petrovich repeatedly expressed his pro-Russian position, even managed to participate in the propaganda activities of the Russian occupants, was happy to receive money under the occupants, as well as packages of humanitarian aid.

The traitor was appointed responsible for housing and communal issues and even organized receptions of citizens on various issues of improvement on behalf of the occupation administration of Lysychansk.

Alexander Petrovich Mitus will have to answer to the people for his service to the Russian occupiers. A place on the bench is already waiting for the collaborator.