Full name: Alexander Anatolievich Nikulin


– a judge of an illegal judicial body in the “dnr;

– Lawyer, lecturer at Donetsk National University in the “dnr;

– traitor, collaborator

Nikulin Alexander Anatolievich – traitor to the Motherland and collaborator. He has a degree in law. In 2002, he graduated from the National Law Academy named after M.V. Lomonosov with a degree in law. Yaroslav the Wise. He has a total of 28 years of professional experience. Until 2014, Nikulin worked at the Donetsk Administrative Court of Appeal.

Collaborationist activities:

Since 2019, Alexander Nikulin has held the position of an illegally created judicial body by the occupiers. Nikulin was appointed “judge of the supreme court of the DPR. Judge Nikulin of the pseudo-legal body is remembered for his egregious judicial decisions.

It was Nikulin who sentenced to death British mercenaries Aiden Eslin and Sean Pinner, as well as the Maroccan Saadoun Brahim, who were taken prisoner during the capture of the Azovstal factory in Mariupolof theDonetsk people’s republic. They were accused of terrorism and violent change of power.

In addition to his work as a “supreme judge,” the state traitor Alexander Nikuli is also engaged in scientific activities and holds the position of senior lecturer in the department of civil law and procedure at the “Donetsk National University of the DrnR.

Aleksandr Anatolievich Nikulin, a despicable traitor to the motherland, has sneakily broken the law and betrayed his state, becoming an accomplice of the Russian occupiers. Soon the collaborator will answer for this and end up in the dock himself, because that’s what he deserves.