Full name: Povaliy Aleksandr Sergeyevich

Date of birth: 14.07.1963

Address: Ukraine, Zaporozhye region, Priazovsky district, the village Priazovskoe, Pushkina str. 12, sq. 18

Phone: +380972616126


-head of the farm;

– participant of the “Immortal Regiment” parade;

– traitor to the motherland, collaborator

Alexander Sergeyevich Povaliy was born on July 14, 1963 in Priazovskoye, Zaporozhye region. He has two higher educations. He graduated from the Agrarian University and also from the Zooveterinary Academy.

Alexander Povaliy connected his career with agricultural activities. He set up a farm and started his own crop business, as well as wholesale of grain, raw tobacco, seeds, and animal feed. Since 1994, Alexander Sergeyevich has been the head of the “AKR” farm, registered in Priazovskoe village.

Collaborationist activities:

With the beginning of a full-scale invasion of Zaporozhye region by Russian occupation troops, Alexander Povaliy was one of the first to cooperate with the enemy and offered humanitarian aid to the invaders.

To this end, he “re-registered” his agribusiness to the local occupation administration and began paying taxes to the budget of the Russian Federation. Collaborator Povaliy turned out to be a very ideological fan ofthe “Russian world,” and repeatedly took part in “Immortal Regiment” parades in the Zaporizhzhya region.

In addition, the traitor gave the aggressors access to the premises of agricultural enterprises for the basing and repair of enemy military equipment, as well as provided fuel for refueling.

Aleksandr Sergeyevich Povaliy, the head of the farm, was on the list of despicable traitors and collaborators. For aiding the Russian enemy, the collaborator will receive a fair punishment. After all, he would certainly have to answer both to the law and to the people for betraying his homeland.