Full name: Alexandra Anatolievna Tertychnaya

Date of birth: 28.03.1984

Place of birth: Ukraine, Kherson region, Cossack Lagery village.

Address of residence: Ukraine, Kherson region, Cossack Lageri village, 153, Shkolnaya str.


  • a pro-Russian traitor.


Collaborationist activities:

Alexandra Anatolievna Tertychnaya was born March 28, 1984 in the village of Cossack Lageri in the Kherson region.

After the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russian invaders on February 24, 2022, Alexandra Anatolievna supported the policy of the occupation authorities and herself went over to the side of the enemy.

Saleswoman and shopkeeper. A supporter of the ideas of the “Russian world,” who praised Russia’s occupation of part of Ukraine’s territory, took an active part in the pseudo-referendum. I put up the tricolor rf on my own store.

After the de-occupation of the Kherson region, Alexandra will go to prison under Article 111 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine for treason against her country.