
Full name: Alexey Viktorovich Netreba

Date of birth: 04.06.1986

Address: Ukraine, Zaporizhzhya region, Mikhailovskyi district

INN: 3156617676


– an employee of a construction company;

– an active supporter of the Russian occupying power;

– a member of the “electoral commission” at the pseudo-referendum;

– an accomplice to “single election day


Netreba Oleksiy Viktorovich Netreba is an adherent of the “Russian world“, a traitor to the Motherland and a collaborator, born in Mikhailovsky district of Zaporozhye region. Netreba previously worked for the construction company “Joint Stock Company Group of Companies 315 UNR”, the legal address of which is registered in Moscow.

After the start of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russian occupation troops , the man truly showed his pro-Russian stance as a collaborator and traitor. After the occupation of the village, the family of traitors actively cooperated with the occupiers, taking part (as extras) in events organized by the pseudo-authorities (rallies, concerts, car rallies, etc.).

Anti-Ukrainian activities:

In September 2022, the traitor was directly involved in the processes of pseudo-referendum on the territory of Zaporizhzhya region, because his family supports the annexation of the region to the rf.

The collaborator was also involved in the organizational direction of the formation of the so-called “precinct election commissions” and repeatedly took part in various propaganda activities of the enemy, engaged in pro-Russian agitation among the inhabitants of settlements of the mentioned region.

One of the “tasks” of the collaborator is also agitation of residents of temporarily occupied territories of Zaporizhzhya region to participate in the “elections” planned by the Rashist occupants on September 8, 9, 10. Netreba willingly agreed to ensure the process of “voting day” and acted as an accomplice of the illegal event.

For betrayal of the Motherland and “servicing” the interests of the occupants, the accomplice of the Russian invaders Netreba Alexei Viktorovich and his family will be justly punished before the tribunal. The collaborator will soon be held accountable for all his crimes against the people of Ukraine.