Full name: Alexei Romanov

Occupation: Journalist Strana.ua



In economic̆ journalism since 1996. He has published articles on taxation and legal aspects of business regulation in the newspapers Business, Debit-Credit, and All About Accounting. Romanov has been working at The Country almost since its founding in 2016. Specializing in legal issues and investigative journalism.

During his journalistic career, Alexei Roman managed to join the list of people who promoted pro-Russian narratives in Ukraine. Romanov, a journalist for Strana.ua, has repeatedly been accused of supporting separatism, the L-DnR militants, working for Russia, and publishing materials that contain blatant fakes.

A high-profile moment in Romanov’s journalistic activities was the publication of articles accusing the U.S. of war in the Donbass. Pro-Russian journalist Alexei Romanov is the author of a fake article about the militarization of Ukraine, which talks about children with “kalashas” and paramilitary camps.

In 2021, journalist Oleksiy Roman and his fellow propagandists from Strana.ua increased the number of materials with pro-Russian narratives. In particular, the journalists became leaders in spreading narratives of the categories “foreign administration” and “escalation of the Ukrainian-Russian war is Ukraine’s doing.

In August 2021, Strana.ua came under sanctions by the National Security and Defense Council for illegal activities on the territory of our country.

In other words, we can say that journalists like Alexei Romanov have been trying to subject Ukrainian audiences to pro-Russian manipulation campaigns for years. Internet publications such as Strana.ua continue to spread anti-Western and pro-Russian narratives.

The scandalous journalist Alexei Romanov will answer to the law and be punished for promoting narratives of the aggressor country of the Russian Federation and objective reasons for betraying Ukraine.