Full name: Ulitich Alexei Mikhailovich

Date of birth: June 09, 1964

Address: Ukraine, s. Znamenovka, Volnovakha district, Donetsk region, Stepnaya street, 38.

INN: 2353607699

Passport: VA165746

Phone: +380501029331, +380715992020


-the head ofthe township council;

-an employee of the occupation administration;

-an accomplice of the Russian occupation authorities, a collaborator.


Traitor Ulitich Alexei Mikhailovich was born on June 9, 1964 in the village of Znamenovka, Volnovakha district of Donetsk region.

He was a member of the political party “Party of Regions”. He served as head of the Krasnovskaya territorial community in the Volnovakha district of the Donetsk region.

Later he was elected chairman of the village council of Krasnovka village council of Volnovakha district.

After the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russian invaders, Alexei Ulitich began actively assisting the occupying forces and the interim leadership in the village of Krasnovka.

Collaborator contributes to the activities of the rf military, supports the occupation of Ukraine by the rf armed forces. In particular, Alexei Mikhailovich urged the locals not to resist the orcs, but on the contrary, to help with accommodation and food.

Now the traitor Alexei Ulitich performs the duties of the head of the village Krasnovka from the occupation administration, as well as acting as a specialist on the development of the territories of the “dnr” Telmanovsky district.

For aiding and abetting the occupiers, the collaborator Ulitich Alexei Mikhailovich will face imminent punishment. And it will come very soon.