Full name: Alexei Stepanovich Voinikov

Date of birth: June 26, 1987

Passport: CB848875 (#123433035)

INN: 3195311959

Driver’s License: BAA585269

Residence address: Zaporizhzhya region,

Primorsky District, Lozuvatka village, 29 Ostrovskogo str.

Address: Primorsk, Morskaya str. 60, sq. 57

Contact: +380 95 803 61 95

Position: Inspector of the GRPP (police)


Anti-Ukrainian and collaborationist activities:

Alexei Stepanovich Voynikov was born June 26, 1987 in the village of Lozuvatka, Zaporozhye region. Worked for the police in Russia as a GRPP inspector. Traitor to the Motherland.

He has pro-Russian views. An accomplice of Russian-fascist invaders and terrorists. An accomplice to the crimes of the Russian authorities against Ukraine and its citizens.

He volunteered to cooperate with the Russian aggressor. He got a position in the occupation police. Settled in a squeezed-out house in Primorsk on Suvorov Street near Valabuev.

He helped the invaders and provided housing for Russian soldiers. Conducted searches of civilians, military, police and border guards. He blackmailed war veterans, ATO veterans and kidnapped people with colleagues. He gave up people who help the AFU and support Ukraine.